Thursday, May 14, 2015

Historical Sew Monthly #6: Out of Your Comfort Zone Inspiration

Out of Your Comfort Zone: create a garment from a time period you haven't done before, or that uses a new skill or technique that you've never tried before.

Yikes! So many options, yet making up my mind will be the challenge in itself.

First off, I only have undergarments for mid-19th century. If I do try a different era, it's gonna be undergarments, or make an entire wardrobe. Because I'm allergic to making myself another corset of any kind at the moment, and because my budget won't allow it, I'm going to just skip the idea of a very different era for now.

The first thing I thought of when I read 'different technique' was cording. Corded petticoats, corded bonnet, corded corset, etc. etc. 

1820-1830 corset

Another technique I have never tried is quilting. In a garment, anyway; does making a quilt actually count?
Quilted petticoats are so beautiful; the only problem is, quilting was done by hand. I don't know if I actually need one, at the moment, but maybe.

My sister needs a hoop skirt; most of the ones sold are not short enough, as she isn't wearing full length skirts. I've always wanted to try making a cage crinoline, and I have the instructions already. Working with mostly metal for a sewing project is definitely a first! And who wouldn't want a purple hoop skirt?

Out of all the options, I'm thinking a corded corset is what is needed the most. 

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